What we are


“We are human BEINGS.

Not human DOINGS!”

 ~ Gina Rafkind ~

How great is that?!!!!

I so, so totally love this quote from the lovely Gina of VedaSun. Gina is a beautiful soul and magnificent spirit. Go and check out her the site. If you’re looking for the above quote … watch Gina’s video “Meet Gina”. In her video she also reminds us that we “get a lot more done by BEing rather than DOing”.

How often do we catch ourselves running here, running there, looking at our to-do-lists, ticking off 1 thing, then another, then another and if we’re lucky, we’ll even remember to breathe every now an then. ;o)

Seriously, all this focus on DOing in our days and society … it irks me, totally! And get me right on this one: I am actually a doer. I love doing things, accomplishing projects. Yet, there’s always been something that put me off … and still does. I’m in the process – finally – of figuring out what that “something” is.

It’s the “I have to…” that comes along so often. “I should …” Oh yeah? Says who? goes my inner rebel immediately.

I love doing when the doing comes naturally…. and not because the schedule or the to-do-list tells me to. I’m passionate about a lot of things … and every so often, I get frustrated because something else needs to be taken care of first, some “must do”… and I feel like the real life is passing me by, that what really counts, that what we’re here for: BEING. Being and enjoying the wonders of Life, Nature’s rhythm of life, the beauty of each season, lying on my back and watching the clouds and diving deep into the universal soul, into all that is and into feeling connected with all that is, feeling alive, feeling the rightness of me being here, right here, right now, feeling the support of Mama Earth, listening to the song of birds, smelling flowers … anything that brings me back into my power, back to my center … and then whatever presents itself next I can do easily, swift and easy.

Look at our school systems: how much focus is on the grades and marks, on the DOing rather than on the personal and unique qualities in a child. Sometimes this can lead to children mistaking their school marks as marks of their personality. They start identifying their BEing through their DOing and come to think they are a bad person because of some weak school marks. Or the other way around, that weak marks equal a weak personality. This is crazy! And then I look at myself, and see how many times I myself actually think that I am what I do. Or what’s even weirder: I do in order to be. Luckily, I notice when that happens … and every time, I get better at remembering my big bag of “medicine tools” and using them to bring myself back to my center, to remind myself of what is true, of what counts, of what is important to me. Takes a lot of courage, too, to go my way. (That’s a big “MY”, btw ;o). Sometimes it can get lonely and challenging … my sacred circles of friends (those friends who do understand, who also walk that path) is not always close and nearby. And yet, I don’t want to swap the experiences I was/ am allowed to make, the shining souls I was/ am blessed to meet along the way, my teachers, the challenges (even the yuk ones), the blessings. It takes some practising to remember to tap back into all that is. Being caught up in the everyday stuff can happen easy enough. And that’s okay, too, because I know my awareness is there. I have the awareness … and, * surprise, surprise *, even then it can happen that I find myself already a few weeks into this “everyday-DOing-and-running-on-to-do-lists-stuff” before I really and truly notice and remember BEing ;o) That’s all part of the process, too. I learn to be gentle on myself in those cases.

Where did I start? Oh, yeah, Gina of VedaSun reminding us that “we are human BEINGS. Not human DOINGS!

Happy week-end … may you BE this week-end and enjoy BEing to the full!

Rainbow Hugs & Butterfly Kisses, xoxo

Goddess Circle is now open!

 Hello Lovelies & Goddesses all around the world,

* ever heard of Goddess Leonie?
* the colorful Creative Goddess e-Course?
* the beaming Radiant Goddess e-Course?
* the sacred Goddess Haven e-Course?
* the inspiring Goddess Year Workbook?
* the sparkling Chakra Healing Goddess Meditation kit?
* the Releasing Fears Meditation kit?
* the Divine Dreaming Meditation kit?


 * ever heard of “when women circle, miracles happen”?

They do, they most certainly do! And Goddess Leonie has just thrown in an absolutely and divinely gorgeous gift to all Goddesses out there: access to all of the above courses and materials, plus new materials to be released over the next year ~ for Goddesses to enjoy and share in a magic & sacred Goddess circle for 1 year…

Would you like to find out more about the courses and meditations?
Head on over here:

Goddess Circle at Goddess Guidebook by Goddess Leonie.

Enjoy … and maybe I’ll see you there in this lovingly & sacredly held space!

Rainbow Hugs & Butterfly Kisses,
